Ocean Plastic Pollution

The Whale Who Ate Plastic

Teaching Children About our Ocean Plastic Pollution Problem & Recycling

The Whale Who Ate Plastic follows a hungry whale who loves to eat. One day he meets a little fish who tells him about plastic. Not knowing that plastic is not food, the whale eats the plastic and feels very poorly indeed.

Perfect children’s Earth Day book or children’s World Ocean Day book!

The Whale Who Ate Plastic is perfect for preschool and elementary school children (ages 3-8) and features the story of a whale who eats plastic and the effects of the ocean plastic pollution on the whale and the other ocean creatures. The story gently shares the important message about protecting our environment and helping others and contains simple tips to help empower children to try and make a positive impact. The Whale Who Ate Plastic would be enjoyed by young children interested in learning more about oceans, marine life, plastic pollution, and conservation and is a great way to boost children’s interest in environmental issues, as well as caring for and improving our environment, and the importance of recycling.  

Every day 8 million pieces of plastic make their way into our oceans

We know that plastics enter our oceans through dumping, blown from land, industrial outfalls and discarded from coastal communities. And evidence shows that plastic harms marine life when eaten or by entanglement. For example, fishermen’s plastic fishing nets left or lost in the ocean, entangle fish, dolphins, turtles, sharks, and many other creatures, restricting movement and causing cuts, infection, and starvation. Marine animals caught up in plastic and cannot get to the surface to breathe can suffocate. Scientists have found plastic has been eaten by many species, from whales to turtles, seals and birds. In fact, plastic bags, bottles and bottle caps, and straws are often found ingested by these animals. Plastic also destroys habitats by smothering the seabed and disturbing benthic communities. 

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So if you are looking for a lovely picture book to help children learn about the importance of limiting plastic use and recycling, then grab a copy of The Whale Who Ate Plastic!