

Teaching young children's about renewable energy

Perfect for children’s Earth Day books, or children’s National Renewable Energy Day books!

Dunkelflaute is a children’s story about a brave young wind turbine making electricity for his neighborhood. But, when a Dunkelfaute strikes, a brave seagull comes up with a clever solution.

Explaining Dunkelflaute to Children

Dunkelflaute is a German word that means “dark doldrums” in English. It is used to describe a time when there is not enough wind or sunshine to generate electricity from wind turbines or solar panels.

To explain dunkelflaute to children, you can use the example of a windmill. Just like how a windmill needs wind to turn and generate electricity, a wind turbine needs wind to turn its blades and create electricity. Similarly, solar panels need sunshine to generate electricity. However, sometimes there may not be enough wind or sunshine for a long time, and this can make it difficult to generate enough electricity to power homes and buildings.

During a dunkelflaute, people may have to use other sources of energy, like natural gas, coal, or nuclear power, to keep the lights on and the heat running. However, using these sources of energy can be harmful to the environment, so it’s important to find ways to generate clean energy from wind and solar power whenever possible.